Social Security Number (SSN) – Definition & Meaning, Benefits, Lookup, etc

A Social Security Number is very important nine-digit number which the U.S. government issues to all U.S. citizens and eligible U.S. residents who apply for one. This social security number has become a national identification number for taxation and other purposes. Keep reading to find out the more information about social security number, about security act, how to get social security number and United States social security administration etc.

Social Security Number

What is the Social Security Number?  

The social security number is issued to an individual by the Social Security Administration, an independent agency of the United States government. Social Security Numbers are first issued by the Social Security Administration in November 1935 as part of the New Deal Social Security program, within 3 months, twenty-five million Social security numbers were issued.

Meaning of Social Security Number

A number which is given by the government to each and every person, that they need to get a job, pay tax or claim benefits money from the government.

Definition: A nine-digit number which is assigned to citizens, some temporary residents and permanent residents to track their income and determine benefit entitlement.

How to get Social Security Number

Step 1: Qualifying for a New Social Security Number:

Anyone can’t receive a new Social Security Cars just because they want one. The new Social Security Numbers will not be assigned for the following reasons.

  • To solve your credit problems.
  • If anyone lost their Social Security of because of theft, but there is no evidence of identify the theft.

Step 2: Applying for a New Social Security Number:

  • Fill out an official application for a social security number. You can get the application form a local Social Security office or by downloading it at the Social Security Administration site.
  • You will need to prove your identity, U.S. citizenship, immigration status, age, and evidence of legal name change.
  • You cannot simply state your reason for wanting a new number. For needing a new number, you must provide a written statement and current, credible, third-party evidence documenting the reasons.
  • Submit your application and documents to your nearest Social Security Office or Social Security Card Center. The officials will be working to review and process your information.

Step 3: Getting a SSN if You Have Never Had One Before:

  • You can apply for a SocialSecurityNumber along with the application for a formal state birth certificate. You have to verify the date and location of birth of your child.
  • If you have adopted a child from outside of the United States, the child will not have a social security number. You must apply for the social security number of that your adopted child, by submitting the documents of the child to your local Social Security office.
  • Green card holders, anyone with an I-766 (Employment Authorization card), and newly naturalized citizens can apply for Social Security Numbers after they gain the right to work.

Step 4: Protecting Your New Social Security Number

  • A few legitimate entities such as Employers, The IRS, Banks and the U.S. Treasury and other government-funded programs may ask about your social security number to confirm your identity.
  • Be aware of which common sources you should not provide your number to when requested.
  • If any company requests your social security number, you have a right to refuse them that information.
  • Ask why your number is needed, if the number will be shared with anyone or not, and how the number will be stored, before handing your social security number to someone, even a legitimate company.
  • Block your social security record, then no one can obtain your personal information on the internet.

Benefits of Social Security Number

  1. Social security provides financial benefits virtually to all workers in America from the U.S. Federal Government.
  2. The government uses this Social Security Number to keep track of your lifetime earnings ad number of years worked.
  3. These social security numbers are used to report your wages to the government.
  4. Social Security benefits make a big difference in your retirement income.

Social Security Number Lookup

SSN lookup or Social Security lookup tool allows you to lookup the Social Security Numbers which were issued in a given state.

The best way to look up a person’s SocialSecurityNumber Information is through the United States Social Security Administration.  Looking up a person’s SSN can show you a lot about them. Every Social Security Number is different, if you know a name and SSN, you can easily access many public records about that person.

United States Security Administration

Social Security is a federal government program which provides a source of income for you. You also need a Social Security number to get a job.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) will assign you a nine-digit number when you apply for a Social Security number. The SSN or SocialSecurityNumber printed on the Social Security card that Social Security Administration will issue you.



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